Candidate Results
  • 14 Dec 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Candidate Results

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Article summary

The final step in the process is viewing and exporting candidate results. This article will show you how this works.

How to get here:

  • Go to Reports > Results tab

This tab shows results of all individual candidates who took an exam on your Cirrus platform.

These results come from exams that have already been assessed, (auto)scored, submitted and published.

To be more precise:

  • Fully auto-scored will immediatetly be available here, after the candidate handed in the exam.
  • Results of manually marked exams will be available after the results are published or when the schedule window ends.

Screenshot 2022-07-22 at 14.22.03.png

See detailed results of individual candidates

  • Select 'View by schedule','View by Assessment' or 'View by Candidate'.
  • Click on a Schedule/Assessment/Candidate

You can now see the following information:

Overview summary

Showing a summary about the results of the candidate
* Percentage
* Overall score
* Percentage to pass
* Result
* Grade


These results under Reports are for viewing only.
The overview will show:
* Question
* Answer candidate + correct answer
* Score candidate + max score
* Question type, version, question id (when hovering over the question)
* Star icon if question is rescored

You can also go a level deeper in order to view the feedback and annontation by clicking on a questions.

Score report tab

Get results per Learning Objective/subject or Topics (if you've used those).

For more information see our Score report article.

Print/save to PDF

With full access to Reports you can see (hover over candidate) the print icon on each candidate row.

The print icon allows you to print or save to PDF for:

  • Print candidate results
    • Summary: questions + what the candidate scored on that question
    • Detailed: questions + correct answers + what answers the candidate selected
  • Print score report

Tip: Via the print option you can also save it as a PDF, by changing the destination.

Long essay answers

Please be aware, that long essay questions are not fully shown on the printed PDF.

We do offer an add-on to save the pdf's on a FTPS server in a different format. Please contact servicedesk for more information.

Multiple attempts

If a candidate has multiple attempts for an assessment, the Assessment author can select which attempt counts. This has the following repercussions for the report:

  • Multiple attempts, last attempt counts > the results in the report will be overwritten each time they are published.
  • Multiple attempts, best attempt counts > with every new attempt the report will show the best attempt, it will only be overwritten if the results are better than for previous attempts.


I can't find my results

In order to see the content in reports you should have given the permission access 'View reports' on a hierachy level, to be found via Admin>Users>specific user> Hierarchies tab.

You will only have access to specified hierarchies.

Not able download score reports

It might be because the role permission "Limited Reports Access only" is turned on. This will limit your option to download reports, but also you will not be able to print/download or see any detailed results and score reports.
It will only give you a limited view of the results of a candidate.

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