Adding and editing Learning Objectives
- 01 Apr 2022
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Adding and editing Learning Objectives
- Updated on 01 Apr 2022
- 2 Minutes to read
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Importing Learning Objectives in Cirrus using an Excel source file
Please note that when manually adding Learning Objectives to a repository you will need to provide a required / mandatory ID for each Learning Objective. This is OK if you’re adding the odd individual Learning Objective, if you need to add more we recommend using the import of Learning Objectives.
Manually creating or editing Learning objectives
- Go to Admin > Learning Objectives
- Here you will see an overview of repositories with Learning Objectives for your environment:
Learning objective management on the learning objective repository overview
- Click 'Add repository' if you want to create a new one
- Learning Objective repositories are listed by
- Title - click this to open an existing learning objective repository
- Description - a short description stating what is inside
- Hierarchy - By connecting the learning objective repositories to certain hierarchies you can control who has access to these repositories.
- Published - determines if the repository is visible to the people in the hierarchy. Once the status has been set to Unpublished, the repository won't be visible for the authors.
Tip: you can read more about the working with Learning Objectives in Cirrus and the way Learning Objectives are structured.
Working on a learning objective repository / manually adding Learning Objectives
- Click on the title to select the repository you want to manually add Learning Objectives
- A screen with two columns opens:
The learning objective repository detailed overview:
- In the left column you can see an overview of folders (optional), subjects and learning objectives. Also see our article on the structure for Learning Objectives in Cirrus. Use the tree / click on the +-signs to browse.
- In the right column you can click 'Add learning objective' to manually create a new learning objective.
- Select a for example a subject in the left column and click the [...]-button > 'Edit' to edit the Title, ID and description of your repository
- Hover over an item in the list and click on the pencil-icon that appears on the right hand side to edit the Title, ID and description of the item listed.
- To publish/ unpublish a learning objective repository go to the root level ('Learning Objectives for training' in the left column in the example above and click on 'unpublish' in the right column.
Please note:
- Once a Learning Objective has been used in an assessment, you can no longer delete it.
- Learning Objectives are connected to Collections at the repository level. This means authors working on a collection will only see this repository by default if it is published and the author is connected to that repository.
- Subjects and Learning Objectives are listed alphabetically. Tip: you can use prefixes to manipulate the order. For example: 010 ... comes before 020 ...
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