Getting Started
  • 02 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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Getting Started

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Article summary

Welcome to the Cirrus Knowledge Base. Your one stop shop for everything you need to know about setting up your platform, creating items, assessments, scheduling exams and marking them.

This folder introduces you to Cirrus, our Help Center, Customer Portal and possibilies to be trained.

Before we continue:

Working with the Knowledge Base

Consult the rest of our Knowledge Base from the menu to your left.

This menu follows the same structure as your Cirrus platform main menu.

Help widget

You can also access relevant Knowledge Base articles when you are on your Cirrus platform.

At any time, use the question mark in the left bottom of your screen to get a list of relevant articles that provide immediate help.

Quick start guides

The Knowledge Base is full of extensive articles and manuals.

Do you want to get started quickly? Then use the Quick Starts below:

Enjoy working with Cirrus!