Logging in to Cirrus
  • 18 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Logging in to Cirrus

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Article summary

There are various way to login to your Cirrus platform. We will discuss them here.

Login: author or system administrator

  1. Go to the test platform of your organisation. (organisationname.cirrusplatform.com)
  2. Enter your login name and password.
  3. You can change the default language here if you wish or do this later.
  4. Click on 'Login' and arrive at the candidate dashboard.
    Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 15.26.44.png
Forgot your password?

Click on 'Can't log in?'. Upon entering your username an email will be sent with a password reset link.

Login: canddiate

Taking a digital assessment for the first time can be exciting. Cirrus is happy to help candidates by taking away any concerns, so that they can take their test with confidence.

See our candidate manual here.

Logout after exam

In the heat of the moment, a lot of candidates forget to logout when the exam is finished.

To prevent abuse, candidates are being automatically logged out after their exam is finished.

Of course they can always log in again to consult their dashboard and to take other exams.

Reset password

If you haven't received a password in case you lost it, you can of course request a new one.

  • Go to the login page of your platform (organisationname.cirrusplatform.com) and click on 'Can't log in' next to the Login button
  • Fill in your username
  • The password will be sent to the email address linked to your account.
Didn't receive an email

Please check your junk/spam folder if you have received an email

'Login as' Author or candidate

Cirrus system admins can setup a role on the platform that allows you to login as both an author or a candidate (delivery).

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 15.22.21.png

This can be usefull if you are an author and you want to add yourself to a schedule for test purposes.

If you want this, ask your Cirrus system administrator to active 'Participate' to your role in the role settings of the Admin panel.

Single Sign-On

Cirrus also offers multiple Single Sign-On (SSO) options. When set up, authors and/or candidates login to their LMS where they can access Cirrus without having to login again.

Cirrus Single Sign-On is fully self-service so the customer's IT can set it up after reading SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On (SSO) in our Tech Portal (including SAML 2.0 Troubleshooting)

Login as (System admins only)

System Admin accounts can be equipped with a 'login as' functionality. This is a very powerful tool that allows them to login as any account in the system. Use it with care!

  • Go to Admin > Users.
  • Click on the eye icon at the far right side of a user row.
  • A new window or tab will open that will bring you to the account of this user.

Exit URL

After logging out Cirrus can redirect authors and candidates to an information page of your choosing. This page can be added in the Admin part of Cirrus.

Click here for more info.

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