Item Difficulty scale
  • 07 Apr 2023
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Item Difficulty scale

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Article summary

Item Difficulty scale threshold

The item-difficulty level is based on the P-value which in one of the core conepts in psychometrics. The difficulty is important for evaluating the characteristics of an item and whether it should continue to be a part of the assessment. In many cases, items are deleted if they are too easy or too hard. It also allows you to better understand how the items and test as a whole operate as a measurement instrument.
Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 09.57.17.png

Via the item difficulty scale you will be able to set the difficulty thresholds, which will automatically be displayed in your collections > Statistics. This way you can easily keep track of the difficulty level of your items.

0.0 - 0.3HardTest-takes are at the change level or even below, so your item might be to dificult or have other issues
0.3-0.7Medium0.3-.05 > Items in this range will challenge even top test-takes
0.50-0.70 > These items are fairly common and bit tougher
0.7-1.0EasyThese items are considered to be easy, the higher, the higher the P-Value the easier it is.

These difficulty levels will reflect on the item statistic level, see Library > Collection > statistics


Currently the thresholds (hard, medium, easy) are only shown in the item statistics. It will be added in a later stage on assessment performance & statistics)

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