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On the Assessors tab a Coordinator can select a pool of assessors and (optional) moderators.
How to get here:
- Go to Marking > Coordinator tab
- This will open the Coordinator overview page
- Click on an exam that needs a marking workflow (status: Assessor needed)
- Go to the Assessors tab.
Note: If you cannot see this, your role doesn't allow you to. Reach out to a System Admin of your organisation if you feel this is not correct.
On the Assessors tab you can do 3 things:
- Building a pool with assessors, moderators and others
- Give participants a certain role in the process
- Give participants certain rights, including who can publish final results
1. Building a pool with assessors
- Set your cursor in the 'Search users to add' bar
- Simply search for users which you would like to add to the pool
- Select people who need to participate as an assessor, moderator or other role.
Search results are limited to only people who are part of the Schedule's hierarchy. When scheduling an assessment, it is mandatory to connect a hierarchy to the schedule. This hierarchy must contain everyone that needs to be involved in assessing this exam and viewing reports.
2. Give participants a certain role in the process
- Use the dropdown behind each participant to select the suitable role.
- Determine wether this person should be an Assessor, Moderator, Assessor & Moderator (dual role) or Other.
3. Give participants certain rights
- Edit marking scheme - allows participant to change the marking scheme during the marking process.
- Publish Results - Use this check-box for each user to determine if they are allowed to publish the final results.
- Best practice: select role 'Other' to assign this responsibility to a non-marking staff member.
- View Published Results - allowsparticipant access to the results on the Reports > Results
- Rescore - allows participant to do rescoring during or after marking
Adjusting an existing workflow
When no marking has been done yet, you can simply change the allocation of markers to your schedule and/or to individual candidates or items.
However, there is a risk of loosing scores when:
- Assessors have started and submitted scores
- Marking Coordinator is changing the pool of assessors/moderators
- Marking Coordinator is changing allocation of assessors/moderators
When there is a risk of loosing work, a warning is shown to confirm if you are sure to proceed.
Proceeding means that submitted scores will be cancelled. So the result after proceeding is a clean canvas without any scoring. Work will be lost.
This action cannot be undone!
Adjusting after publishing results
In the scenario were results have been published the Coordinator will no longer be able to change the change the assigned assessors. Candidates who's results have been published are highlighted on screen and the marking coordinator will get a message.
An assessor made a mistake during marking and all results are submitted and published already. Can i see who marked a specific candidate/question?
Yes, via Reports >"Candidate Results" you are able to export the 'Candidate results - Extended' in an excel file. This excel file will contain information about 'First marker name', 'Marker comment' & 'Marker score' and similar information for the second marker.