Delete collection
    • 30 Jun 2021
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors

    Delete collection

    Article summary

    Delete Collection

    DELETE /collections/{externalId}

    NameData TypeDescription
    Content-type:application/jsonfor all requests
    Authorization:EAPI {token}for all requests

    Request Parameters

    Parameters indicated with a * are mandatory

    ParameterTypeDescriptionmax length
    externalId*StringThe external ID of a user that needs to be fetched

    Sample successfull Response

        "Content": {
            "ExternalId": "ColExt1",
            "Errors": null
        "Success": true,
        "Errors": null

    Sample unsuccessfull Response

        "Success": false,
        "Errors": "Collection with externalId [ColExt12345] is not found."


    200Successful operation
    400Possible errors:
    ExternalId parameter can not be null or empty
    Collection with ExternalId [{externalId}] is not found
    Collection with externalId [{externalId}] has been deleted
    Collection contains items that used in assessments
    403Not allowed to use external API
    500Internal server error

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